Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sealed with a KISS

      On August 4, 2011 Cole and I were married and sealed together in the Salt Lake Temple.  After we were sealed they brought Finn in and he was sealed to us for eternity.  Going through the Lord's House was truly a blessing I will never forget.  The spirit was so strong I felt like my Heavenly Father was standing beside me as I walked through his walls.  If that is any indication what heaven is like I can't wait to see my Lord and Savior again.  I am so grateful for this gospel and for my Savior.  I thank God everyday for my family and now I know what it is like to have an eternal family.  I pray Cole and I will do everything possible to stay worthy to have this blessing. 
     Finn was so good.  I fed him at 9:30am and then Cole and I headed to Salt Lake.  Beau Dee (Cole's sister) Watched him and then brought him to the temple before the sealing.  We didn't want him to be in the nursery all day with people he didn't know.  Beau said that he never fussed or cried.  When they got in to the nursery he was so happy.  Beau Dee Played with him and they pushed him in a stroller.  It was like he knew he was in his Heavenly Father's house and was being sealed to us forever.  When they brought him in, after Cole and I were sealed, he looked around and stared at the sealer while he bestowed all the blessing of an Eternal Family on to the three of us.  When we were done I picked up my little boy and he buried his head into my chest and closed his eyes.  He has never hugged my that tightly.  It was a wonderful feeling.  I love him and Cole so much.  Now nobody or nothing can separate us.

 After the temple we went to the Olive Garden for a family dinner.  It was so much fun.  I love that place.  So many people came to support us and to celebrate our choice. 



  1. It was so good to see the three of you! Finn is absolutely adorable. Keep the updates coming. I love to see all the pictures and hear about what's going on.

  2. Im so happy for you guys!!! It is such a beautiful place to be and to know we can have our families forever. I love the pictures and I cant believe how fast Finn is growing! Such a handsome little stinker!

  3. Hey,
    I cried when I read your words, I am so happy for all 3 of you!

  4. Thanks everyone. It was the greatest experience we could have had. Can't wait to go again and seeing Finn being sealed to his wife will be so sweet.
